7 Pressure Cookers April Fools

This 6 quart crock-pot SCCPVL610-S programmable cook and carry oval slow cooker can
Perfectly feed no less than seven individuals. It's an improvement on some of the slow
Cookers since it comes in a unique way that after your meal is done, you can simply
Detach it from the cooking base and take it with you wherever you may be going. With its
Simple to lock gasket lid, so you can be sure to travel with your meal in it without making a
Mess out of it.
Its large capacity can comfortably accommodate food for guests coming over or to get a

From the kitchen counter right to the dining table and use as a stylish serving dish.
You can set your meals from 30 minutes up to 20 hours cooking Selection and it allows you to
Place it on and leave cooking overnight or while you are out. It automatically shifts to heat
Cooking when the cooking time is over.
A.C. and 60Hz. It can cook 6 pound roast or a whole grain. The programmable buttons
Or setting gives you flexibility to place it to high, low or to warm settings. You can equally
Decide on a time period for it to start cooking till finish. This feature makes you Understand exactly
When your meal will be prepared without needing to open the lid to check consistently.
The Crock-Pot SCCPVL610-S Programmable Cook and Carry Oval Slow Cooker, 6-Quart
Comes with a stylish, stainless complete and convenient gasket lid that locks in food safely to
prevent spillage. It effortlessly blends in with other kitchen units and gadgets. The lid is
Made of transparent glass for ease of cooking. It comes with four major buttons that allows you
To boost the timing, reduce the timing, put it off or the select button that lets you
Choose if you want your meal to cook on high, low or to change to warm mode. It also has
A clear screen that shows you just how long the meal has to see the timing as
You press the button to increase or reduce the cooking time. This slow cooker comes
With black handles that will not burn your hands in the process of transporting it from the
Kitchen to anywhere else. It comes in two major colors, red and stainless finish outside.

Programmable digital control that allows you set a desired time for your meal
Can cook foods from 30 minutes up to 20 hours
Works on 240 Watts in 120V A.C. and 60Hz
Has Low, High and Warm settings
Comes with a removable oval stoneware that can also serve as serving dish
Easy gasket lid that locks in food
Item dimension is 15 x 15.2 x 10 inches by 13 Pounds
Weight when packed for shipping is 13.7 pounds
Sleek design pot that can serve as a pot on the stoneware or as a serving dish
Can easily make casseroles, lamb ribs, beans, roasts, chicken, rice, and Lots of breakfast dishes

time. Exotic and Stocks meals can be made with the 6 q

uart slow cooker.
Can cook meals on low or high setting and automatically switches to warm setting mode once
done with cooking.
The control buttons are touch and user friendly and never turn dials.
Has a user manual that is directly to the point with a few recipes that can be made with
the slow cooker
Its handles are big and makes for easier grip and hold.
The heat goes round which allows meals to cook evenly and never scorches.
Is light weight with an oval shape that makes it easier to keep away
The time display screen is big enough to see across the kitchen or hallway without the need to

Lid gasket and stoneware can be put in the dishwasher. A gentle scrub on the heating base with a
Soft cloth and warm or soapy water gets rid of any food residue.
Stoneware is also oven and microwave safe
Can be used in storing food in the fridge
The warm mode setting that according to the manufacturer is supposed to be 175 degrees,
However, always goes as large as 211 to 215 degrees.
Customer ratings:
Although there were a couple of complaints from dissatisfied users of this product with
Some complaining about the level of the warm manner getting increasingly high to a
Boiling point, to others saying that the handle came broken, the Cook and Carry Oval Slow
It's received 4.3 stars from 1, 763 out of the 2, 222

This product may not be perfect, but with more pros than cons, we certainly agree that this
Product is well worth its cost and has been found useful by many of its users. We,
Therefore, recommend this product as it serves multiple purpose of cooking and serving as
Also with its own programmable attributes, the Crock-Pot SCCPVL610-S 6


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